Monday, 30 November 2015

Living in La Trinite Porhoet

Our favourite view
We have now lived in La Trinite-Porhoet for exactly two years and are pretty much settled into the ways of the village. We have come to look forward to the various festivals and events that crop up at certain times of the year. Where as before, coming across Papa Noel  arriving on a tractor hurling sweets at (or should that be to) excited children was a surprise, as we were on our way to the supermarket, it's now a must see event. The fact that we know there will be mulled wine helps as well.
The putting up of the Christmas lights also actually heralds the beginning of the Christmas period, not the end of October as in the UK.

As we push into Winter the dark mornings are beginning to have an effect. Getting up in the dark is always difficult, for me anyway, and as it doesn't even become lightish until at least 8 o'clock I don't stand a chance. When we have guests the effort has to be made, but when we haven't.......... zzzzzzzzzz.

The one down side to this time of year, apart from the lack of paying guests, is the fact that a number of our good friends from hereabouts disappear off to sunnier climes, or back to England, for the Winter. Not that I begrudge them their time in the warmer parts of the globe, but the place isn't quite the same without them. But with the hardy soles that remain we do our best to take up the slack and make sure the wine consumption stays above agreeable levels.

In the meantime it's time to put another log on the fire and hunker down with the cats and make plans for next season, but please remember that Maison Driscoll is open to guests all year so please come and see us whatever the season.

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