Thursday, 7 April 2016

Third Season Cometh

La Trinite Porhoet

Our second year of business at "Maison Driscoll" is almost up and the new season beckons. What will it bring? Well, in some ways, the fact we don't know makes the coming year that much more intriguing.
Last year we had the big drawer of the Tour de France and the totally potty Paris/Brest/Paris race to give us an extra boost, this year sadly not, But we do have the biannual Josselin Festival, so perhaps that may bring in a few more guests to fill that void.
We've done all we can, the garden looking pretty good (if I say so myself) and the large garage has been readied for bikers bikes and the like, so all we can do now is wait.
What we do know for certain is that we will meet a whole lot more new people, from many different countries, and that's a good thing.
Guest Terrace

As for ourselves, we survived the winter pretty much un-scathed, to be honest it was very mild here, with no snow what-so-ever, and only a few minor frosts.
We were kept pretty busy with a good smattering of guests throughout the dark months, so that was gratifying.
Another plus is that we can now leave our English cat, Arthur, and our French foundling cat, Percy, in the same room together without feline Armageddon ensuing. Which is always a plus when you have paying guests in proximity. Didn't think it would ever happen at one point.
The social side of La Trinite life is now beginning to pick up as many of our friends return with the Swallows from sunnier climes, not that us "stop-at-homes" don't have good time, whilst they're tanning themselves, we just have to wear jumpers whilst we're doing it.

During the winter we purchased this rather splendid owl for use on the front terrace, In my mind it's a bit of a good luck charm for the coming months and I hope the guests get some pleasure from it too.
As yet it is unnamed, suggestions on a post card to............