New Plates
Things here at Maison Driscoll have been a little hectic of late to say the least. With the building work complete it was down to Karen and myself to get the place decorated, furnished and looking pleasant enough to attract paying customers. And the time we had disappeared very quickly indeed. Free paint (left by the previous owners) ran out and due to the extortionate price charged in France we had to rely on friends of friends importing it for us from the Channel Isles, and visiting friends smuggling tins over from blighty. But yesterday the last of the doors in the main hall way were finished and I can safely put away my brushes for a while. Saying that I still have several windows to gloss, but I can pick and choose when that gets done. Pheeeeew!
New Log Burner
The last of the major jobs was also completed recently, the installation of our new log burner. (Just in time for a prolonged spell of beautiful warm weather). The old one was in quite a sorry state and was badly sited, with a huge false chimney breast almost boxing it in. Prompting the sweep, back in November , writing DANGER!! on the report he gave us, but it got us through the winter alright. The new one is quite splendid and taking everything back to the wall has made, I think, a much better looking feature of the whole thing. In fact if we are lucky enough to have any guests during the winter, I may be a little envious of them sitting toasting in front of it, whilst we are upstairs with our radiators, but you can't have it all.
As is plain from the first pic, the French number plate issue has now been resolved . It took a while and a lot of miles but it got done. I even drove into Vannes, the largest town in our area, which I was not looking forward to, but as it happened, was a piece of cake. Mind you, we had to pay to park the car, would you believe it, the first time since we've been here.
So when we got home I treated the car to a wash and brush up, and how splendid she looks, or looked she's filthy again now but what the hell.
Last bedroom Complete
Last weekend we trial ran the rooms in final preparation for our opening. My sister and her husband, and four very good friends from the west country came over and, all things considered, I think it went quite well. There was the "toilet seat incident", which involved a quick dash to where else but Mr. Bricolage, but otherwise fine. I'm not sure our usual guest will require us to go to the bottle bank with quite such a large bag(s), but the tradition of beer o'clock had to be upheld.
Lastly, big news, we had our first real booking tis week, and we're very excited, only one person for two nights, but you have to start somewhere. It came through the add we placed on "Bikestay," a motor-cycle friendly b&b site, lets hope we get lots more!