Village Square
Things have been progressing well here in La Trinite Porhoet. we've had our fair share of problems and mishaps, but nothing that a quick re-think and a re-design didn't fix. Of the three identical shower cabins we purchased only one now remains, on account of the others wouldn't fit. The other two were taken back and exchanged for ones that would. I'm not sure how popular we are at Mr. Briclolage but never mind. However, with those now fitted, and the tiling done, the overall feeling is that they look OK and we're very pleased with the final outcome. All that remains is for the electrics to be completed and then it's down to me and my paint brush.
French and English T.V. are now installed in the downstairs salon, so that's another box ticked. And we also managed to get ourselves a 50" 3D T.V. into the bargain for a very reasonable price, so that's us sorted upstairs.
The Lower Village
Getting the car French registered is causing us a few headaches. In the first place we were told we had to get ourselves a certificate of conformity. No problem...We thought.... We told Ford we were exporting the car to France and could we please have one, they said yes, that will be £85. They then duly despatched said document to us here in La Trinite. All was fine until we showed in to the man at the "control Techniques". Who told us "this is no good, this is an English one, you need a French One". "I didn't know there were different types" I replied. "And why would Ford send me an English one when I told them I was taking the car to France". "Because they're idiots" he replied. And on top of all that the car failed the control technique because of an imbalance in the back brakes. But the up shot was once we have the brakes fixed we can take both the car and our paper work back to him and he'll sort it..........I do hope so.
Lower village
Along with the UK, Brittany has been having the most awful storms since the beginning of the year. It's not been as bad here as back in Blighty but pretty grim all the same. The houses in the lower part of the village have had to cope with flooding more than once. And our hanger garage is still suffering from the over high water table and has half an inch of water covering half the floor space. But on the whole we've got off lightly, I can't imagine how I'd cope if I had the problems that a lot of poor folk in England have.
The most exciting news however is that our official website is now active and anyone can view it. The French translation option should also be ready this week. We can be found at......
We have also got a facebook page of the same name, so if anybody wants to have a peek please do, and if you could hit the like button that would be good too.
Next time I hope to have photos of a completed room or two and a pair of shiny Breton number plates.