Backgammon |
As I said in the previous post, waiting for an offer on your house is a pains taking exercise, and I'm afraid I'm not very good at it. So as a way of re-leaving at least some of the boredom I've taken to learning the art of Backgammon.
This is a game that rather past me by when I was younger, and apart from a couple of games with my friend Matt, whilst cruising down The Nile, (how posh is that), I've never really played. But I know it's very popular on the continent, including France, see where I'm going with this? And it's my thinking, it would be a good thing to be able to take on the locals and not look a twit. Thus helping the integration process, and making new French friends.
We purchased this board whilst on our Turkish holiday, and it's very beautiful, and by English standards well priced (read cheap). It's hand made and was ours for a little under thirty English pounds. It will also be good to have around the B&B for our guests to use along with Scrabble, Cluedo and whatever else we can gather together.
Last week we had three more viewings, but nothing more this week. But to keep us interested we've decided to have a bit of a move round with the bedrooms. At present we sleep in the loft room which, to be honest was always going to be best with either one or two single beds. And when we (finally) get to France we are going to need a twin room. So we've ordered a bed to match the one we already have in the box room, and we are going to move down to the second floor into the room vacated by our lovely lodger Betsy. The thinking is it will make the house look more balanced.
That does however mean putting away my beloved Scalextric that has had pride of place in that room for the past month. Oh well, you can't have it all.
Scalextric |
I hope the next time I write on this blog I will be talking about an offer and that things going forward...........Fingers crossed.
This house selling, or not yet selling, is much more stressful than I thought it was going to be. We came back from France full of what we want to do, and how we are going to do it, and it's difficult keeping the levels of excitement up whilst waiting for the call from the estate agent.
We haven't been short of viewings, I think, after tomorrows appointment we must be up to eleven or twelve, which we are told is very good for the current climate. But it's still hard when it's not just another house we are looking forward to, but another way of life, and a dream of a new start, that seems to be on hold.
Karen finds motivating herself for work more difficult, and filling my day is not easy, (you can only hoover and cut the grass so many times). And every time the phone rings I can't help but think,"this might be it" only to find it's a dental check up reminder or some-one trying to tell me that I'd had a car crash in the last two years and would I like to claim, which I haven't and I don't.
I know there are many things to get sorted before the big day, furniture storage, transport etc, but until we at least get an offer, I feel we can't get too deep into the move planning, if only not to jinx things.
So as a de-stress exercise we took ourselves away for a short holiday........to Turkey??
Yes I know it should have been France, but we have been visiting the pretty seaside village of Turunc for the past seven years and have many Turkish friends out there. And our plans being what they are we will not be getting a holiday for a good few years, so it was a case of "now or never", and we chose now. So we went back for eleven days to drink Efes and say goodbye to some fab friends and make a couple of new ones. And thanks to the wonders of face book we can keep in touch and maybe one day one or two of them may decide to come and visit us in France and we could show them some of the hospitality they've shown us over the years.
Turunc Turkey |